Monday, December 5, 2011

5 Hours of Misery

Bright and (entirely too) early Sunday morning, I bounced out of bed and donned (too few) warm clothes and an umbrella.  I met up with a couple friends in order to support two of our other friends who were both running their first full marathon.  Holy smokes.  Not only is that 26.2 miles, but it was absolutely miserable weather.  It was pouring down rain, incredibly windy, and piercingly cold.

In honor of their huge accomplishment, we came prepared with signs:

We met them at mile 4, 15, 20.5, and of course, 26.2 to cheer them on and even (on one occasion) run a block or two along side them!

Here are my incredibly motivated friends:

Michael Stutts

Kellee and Kate Widener

The announcer at the finish line kept repeating, in a very monotone voice, things like "You can do it" and "Arms up, cross the line, arms up" and other less-than-super-motivating sorts of things.  However, he did pull out one funny line when he said "I know some of you had your doubts.  You got up this morning and thought 'I can't do this' and honestly, I didn't think you could, either.  But here we are now, together, at the finish, and we've made it!"  Please note this guy did not run the marathon.  However, I'm not gonna lie, I kinda felt like he was talking to all the supporters out there, too!  I mean, c'mon, five hours of rain and 30 degree weather and wind?  I feel like Brittany, Molly, and I accomplished something, too!

Officially 26.2ers and their die hard supporters!

After seeing everyone's 'state of being' once crossing the finish line, I'm not sure I'll leave 'run a marathon' on my life bucket list.  I might just have to 'settle' for completing a half.  I'm just not quite sure the human body is supposed to run 26 miles in a row...


  1. I'm doing one in March if you want to fly down and join :)

  2. I want to train with you ashley! warning... i can probably only run about a half mile right now haha

    and yes I just read all of your december posts and commented on them all :-)
