Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dinner and a Movie

My sister's time left in Texas is quickly dwindling and soon she'll be jetting off to Boston again.  This ::of course:: called for some good, old-fashioned sister time.  So Thursday night we decided to throw caution to the wind and party like we used to.  What did this entail?

Well.  My sister met me at my apartment after work with a handful of old movies and most of the ingredients for home-made meatball subs (thanks, mom!).  After a quick survey of the goods, we decided (being the cheese lovers that we are) that we were gonna need some more provolone to do those subs justice.  To the store we went!

We came back with the ingredients for subs, cupcakes, and a few cartons of strawberries for good measure.  My sister slaved away at the dinner while I washed and cut up the strawberries.  We're cute, I know.  And it was delicious:

Soon enough we were plopped down in my living room, food on the coffee table, Matilda in the DVD player.  Remember Matilda?  Yeah, this flick:

Photo found here.

It was all fun and games until disaster numero uno struck.  I got the first stain on my stark white couch.  What was the culprit?  Marinara sauce.  Awesome.  My sister didn't mean to, obviously, and it was just a tiny dot so I wasn't too worried about it.  I set to work trying to soak it out and ::I kid you not:: only five minutes later disaster numero dos struck.  Stain number two.  I was walking by with those yummy strawberries and one of them dripped a spot on my couch.  Seriously?!  I've had my couch for four months and I've made it through three or four dinner parties with red wine and not one spill.  And now there are two in a span of five minutes from some harmless dinner we ate?'s that for awesome luck?!

We decided to quell my woes by making our cupcakes.  It started out looking great:

But we very quickly discovered something had gone wrong when they wouldn't come out of their sleeves:

It looks like a cookie, right?  It's not.  That's the only part of the cupcake I could tear away.  Kitchen fail.

Cynthia's might have been worse than mine...

So I was simply reminded that I do not belong in the kitchen.  I used to have a knack for baking but I guess that somehow disappeared over the last few months.  Oh well, that's a food group I could stand to cut out of my diet :)

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