Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen

So lately I've been doing a bit of thinking about guys.  I think this stems from several things.  With spring engagements flying around like crazy, 'Save the Dates' being delivered to my mailbox, and almost every last one of my single girl friends being snatched up into the dating world, it's only natural my mind tends to wander that way...

Ok, so full disclosure, I might be one of those "snatched up" ones as well.  That is to say, I may have gone on my fair share of dates in the last few weeks...

And I'm not gonna lie, unlike my usual push you away, don't call you back, tend to avoid you at all costs self, I've actually quite enjoyed myself this time.  Enjoyed myself enough that I called up my mom and gave her the lowdown.

In talking to her I was dishing about all the things that have highly impressed me with this one.  Like how he opens all my doors (if my speed-walker self doesn't beat him to it!), and thinks of creative dates, and walks on the outside of the sidewalk on busy streets, and walks me all the way out to my car to make sure I get in safely, and insists on paying for everything (although I do not expect, nor do I allow him to always do so).  In lamest terms, he's the epitome of a southern gentleman.

And hello, newsflash, shocker....girls like that!  Even for an independent one like me, I like to be treated like a lady.  With respect.

But I slightly digressed.  I was talking to my mom about how baffling it is that more guys don't act like that.  I mean...how hard is it open a few car doors?  To come and pick you up instead of meeting you out?  To oh, I don't know, act like you actually care about pursuing someone?  You would think more guys would have picked up on the 'treat a girl like a lady' tip and would put it to good use.  But unfortunately, chivalry seems to be dying with each coming year.  Bottom line, boys, you should start acting like gentlemen.  And mommas, start teaching 'em how to do so.

On a related note (and in an effort to write a fair post), when did girls stop acting like ladies?  Surely it's not that difficult to find clothes that cover more of you than that.  And surely you were taught better than to smack your gum in a nice restaurant or be quite so provocative with your flirting.  And you most definitely should have been taught to be confident enough in yourself to avoid going there for attention, attraction, or 'love.'

Call me old fashioned or an 80 year old at heart, but I find value in being classy, am attracted to the southern gentleman, and think it worthwhile to act like a lady.  And I think I might have just found someone who thinks the same.  But I'll keep you posted ;)


  1. Amen. I found me a southern gentlemen and locked it down. I knew the second he opened the car door for me on the first night we met that I would marry him.

    True story.

  2. LOVE IT! And so agree, and am so excited that you are dating such a lucky Southern Gentleman ;)

  3. I'm so happy for you!! Great post. :)
