Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Birthday Bash

This is also coming to you quite delayed.  I think you'll begin to see a trend of this throughout the week as I'm so behind on posting!  But anyway...

A few weeks ago one of my good friends, Stephen, was on the brink of simultaneously turning 24 and packing his bags for his six month stint in NYC.  Well, Brooklyn, to be specific ;)

This was obviously grounds for a celebration.  And what's the best kind of celebration to have?  A surprise one with all of your best friends.

On a Sunday evening a few weeks ago, ten of Stephen's best friends sat squatted in my living room in surprise formation anxiously awaiting his arrival:

The only problem?  No Stephen.  We had (very surprisingly) managed to get all of us together in one place on the same night.  Such a rarity for our group.  However, there was one guest who looked like he might not be making an appearance...the birthday boy.

Apparently my ploy of trying to coax him into doing my taxes with the promise of a home cooked meal at my place didn't win him over.  (Not that I blame him, given my cooking abilities.  Or complete lack-of.  But what other excuse did I have for him to show up at my place by himself on a Sunday night?!)  Uh oh.  With a lot of guilt tripping (about the time I'd put into purchasing and preparing the food) on my part and most likely some pure laziness (of not wanting to cook or spend money) on his part, he was finally on his way!

What ensued was an evening filled with lots of laughs, recalling of old stories, drinking of beer, and a nicely prepared frozen lasagna and bagged salad by your's truly:

And as no surprise party is complete without decorations...party hats, streamers, balloons, and "happy birthday" plates were supplied as well.  And a cookie cake because the kid doesn't like any dessert besides chocolate chip cookies:

Happy Belated Birthday, Stephen!