Friday, February 3, 2012

Book Review: The Hunger Games

Ok.  I jumped on the bandwagon.  I gave in.  I broke down.  I read 'The Hunger Games.'

Photo found here.

And I'm so glad I did.

This book was phenomenal.  Yeah, so it's a YA novel.  But it was war, love, and is incredibly intriguing the entire time.  What more do you need?!  And although the big events throughout the book were pretty predictable (or maybe it's because I couldn't help but keep reading ahead...), the twists and turns in the plot kept me turning pages until the wee hours of the morning.  Literally.  I haven't been to bed before 1:00 AM this entire week and most nights it was edging dangerously closer to 2:00-2:30 AM.  I couldn't put it down.

Needless to say I'm eager to pick up the next book in the series.  However, I'm definitely being thoughtful in timing this reading because if it's even half as good as it's predecessor, I know I'll be suffering from sleep deprivation until I've made it to the end.

I think it's pretty clear this is a definite recommendation from me.  It may seem gruesome, and to be honest, the storyline is, but it wasn't so unbearably graphic that it ruined the book.  And I'm generally not a book-to-movie fan because the movie always tends to ruin the beautiful images I've created in my head but I can't help but start counting down the days until this champion of a novel is unveiled on the big screen.  There's talk of making an appearance at the midnight showing, but that's still TBD:

Found on YouTube


  1. It is a "change your life" book. no joke. Loves it. So glad we can talk about it now.
