Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Run On

Last night I hit another mile marker: I ran the entire Katy Trail.  Beginning to end, up and down, 7 miles, no stopping.  It was exhilarating.  I loved it.  And it made me feel a little bit better about running 9.6 next weekend in my 15k...

I typically run during the week with my friend, Gretchen.  As I've mentioned before we're perfect pace partners so it works.  And running alone on the KT after dark?  No thank you.  I've seen enough wild coyotes for my liking.

But beyond just keeping pace with each other, Gretchen and I are a good running pair in other ways.  She typically sets our goals high and I end up convincing us we can actually do them.  Neither of us like to talk while we run which is good, because I don't think I could handle 7 miles and a conversation.  But yesterday we brought the running buddy thing to a whole new level:

Don't worry, it wasn't intentional.  I promise.  We were planning on leaving straight from work since our office is about a half mile from the Katy Trail so we both brought our gym bags to the office.  She walked around the corner after changing into her running gear and...

Me:  "Oh no.  I brought that same shirt to wear today."
Gretchen: "No you did not."
Me: pulls out neon orange, highly obnoxious running shirt
Gretchen: "Oh. Well this should be fun."

We matched in almost every way possible.  From our exact same brand of running pants to the pearl studs in our ears and black stretch headbands holding our hair.  Needless to say we got a few chuckles around the office and quite a few stares on the trail. 


  1. Ashley you are sweet. I'm glad we're running buddies. You are the one who makes us meet the goals... woo woo

  2. So hilarious! Great job on hitting mile 7. So proud of you both!!! xx
