Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Frugal Findings

A few weeks ago when my sister was in town, I had a flashback to college. Or rather, a flashback to being poor and creative.  My mom, sister, and I were spending the day together for Cyn's birthday and decided to run a few errands before.  First stop?  Plato's Closet.  My sister had cleaned out her closet and decided to ditch the items she never wears (read: Coach shoes and Seven capris).  She's crazy.  But regardless, she has no need for them in Boston, so to the recycling store they went!  I had recently cleaned out my closet as well (read: Forever 21 tops and American Eagle jeans) so decided to do the same.

While they dug through our treasures at the resale shop, my sister wanted to bop across the street to the Goodwill.  Whatever, it was her day.  My sister (and all of her musician friends) are super into thrifting.  I think it's a combination of "this is the cool thing to do" and "we go to expensive music school and have no money." Regardless, I had put my thrifting days behind me so tagged along merely to humor her (and what choice did I have, really...).  However, upon entering the store, standing right in front of me, beckoning me over was a rack full of blazers.  Ok, might as well browse the rack...

Twenty minutes later and two blazers in tow, I was out the door.  That's right, I bought two blazers from Goodwill for a total of $8.10.  Let me spell that out for you...eight. dollars. and. ten. cents.  One blazer of the kind would typically breach the $60.00 mark.  Go me.  One of them is super chic and the other ultimate vintage.

I may have scrubbed and washed each one in the washing machine twice (screw "dry clean only"...) but I love them regardless.  And I especially love them for less than ten bucks!  I might just start perusing my local Goodwill every once in a while...

Oh, and I got $22.00 bucks from Plato's Closet for my discarded clothing so it's really like I spent no money at all.  Good shopping day.


  1. I really want to be into thrifting, but just don't have the eye for it. Congrats on your awesome blazer finds!!
