Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Hot Chocolate Run

Last Saturday I woke up early to find it a bitterly cold and brutally windy morning.  Great.  I was set to run my first 15k and running in 28 degree weather for over 9 miles is less than enticing.  I begrudgingly dragged myself out of bed, donned my thermal pants and my black windbreaker, and set out for my two hours of misery.

What should have been a 7 minute commute to Fair Park turned into over an hour and, considering we had only allowed ourselves an hour to get there, we started the race a bit late.  Along with probably a hundred other people.

In all honesty, it was miserable.  I straight up hated it.  About three miles in I started getting really nauseous and my knee was throbbing so I had to walk for a bit.  This happened again a few more times so I'm pretty disappointed to say I didn't run the entire thing.  I just couldn't bring myself to push through the pain, end up seriously hurting myself, and then having to cancel my half that's coming up.  So I took a few breaks and let my knee rest up.

BUT I finished.  In the 28 degree weather and sideways winds and hills so steep you'd think we were in Colorado, I finished.  With nausea taunting me the whole way and a knee that had a knife twisted through it, I finished.

It wasn't my best time by any means, but all things considered, I can't be too disappointed with a 1:54 time.  I don't really care much about time now anyway.  For now, I'm just trying to finish.  We'll work speed next year.

Yes. I look miserable and cold and hateful of life.

I do have to say that as miserable as the run itself was, the after party was pretty legit.  There was chocolate!  Hot chocolate, ghiradelli chocolate squares, chocolate fondu, etc, etc and about ten millions different things to dip in it!  I was in chocolate heaven and I loved it:

Yeah, I don't know why my right eye is squinting.  I blame it on the near hypothermia.

15k. Check.  Next race? My half marathon in March!
Technically I'm running in The Color Run 5k and Dash Down Greenville St. Patty's Day 5k but those will just be fun runs :) 

1 comment:

  1. I heart you. You knocked it out of the park. (punny? I think so)
