Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Trolley Good Time

Last weekend about 30 of my college friends rented out one of the Uptown Trolleys for three hours on Saturday night.  The experience was nothing short of magical.  With party hats to celebrate Alan's birthday, an awesome driver named Doug, a Chinese Fire Drill in the middle of downtown, and a musical tribute to the great Whitney Houston, I'll let the photos speak for the awesome night we had:

I almost didn't include this because of my absurd face but, let's be honest, it's a photo the world needed to see.  The trolley must have lurched forward at that moment, but there's no denying we're having a good time!

Yup.  It sure was a trolley good time.

1 comment:

  1. So this explains the text from Taylor exclaiming that she was on a trolley. Looks like so much fun!!
