Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week In Review

Last week was...stellar.  Every night I did something fun and exciting.  Here's a peek into how things went down:

I hit my new Personal Best with a 9mile run on the Katy Trail.  Because of such a long workout, I didn't make it out to my usual 'Bachelor watching party' at Steph's.  However, I had a pretty awesome substitute of a night cooking dinner (Baked Potato Soup!) and watching the show with Lauren:

No pictures of this awesome night because I spent the evening playing in our first kickball game of the season!  That's right, the Baccas are back.  This time for kickball.  We rounded out the night with a little post-game happy hour at Stan's which was a nice excursion as always.

Went to Allen to hang out with my parents for my Mom's birthday!  Great food, great company, great evening.  And I got to drive home in my new car (more on that to come):

I went to dinner with some girls from work at Sfuzzi's.  The pizza was awesome but the frozen blueberry mohito I got was to. die. for.  So much so that I splurged on two:

A few weeks back I started (what we plan to keep as) a tradition of cooking dinner for friends.  The goal is once or twice a month to all get together and cook at someone's house.  It's a good chance for the six of us to catch up on each other's lives without the bumping of the bar music behind us and it beats paying restaurant prices!  Friday night Carrie cooked dinner and we celebrated Alan's 24th birthday a little early:

What a fun week!  So lucky to have been able to hang out with so many of my sweet friends!

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