Sunday, July 24, 2011

..:: I'm Alive ::..

I'm alive!  Which I realize is a huge relief for those of you (my 12 loyal followers!) who have been religiously stalking my blog, hoping for the next exciting post on my super fabulous life, only to find that my blog posting has stalled.  No worries, friends, I now have internet in my apartment (post on my disgust with AT&T at a later date) and have returned to you!

I'm kidding, obviously.  I know none of you were waiting with bated breath for my next post...but it does feel good to be back in the blog world!

So what have I been up to over these last few weeks?  Oh gosh, loads of things!  Here's a (semi) quick view at some of the things I've found to occupy my time:

  • I moved into my apartment in Uptown!  It's slowly but surely turning into a "home" so I will post pictures and updates with my progress on that huge undertaking sporadically!
  • I went to the lake for 4th of July weekend.  My best friend, Andrew, invited me out there for their family celebration and it was such a great time!  Fabulous food, lots of kayaking and boating, and plenty of fireworks makes for a perfect weekend away!
  • I went to a Ranger's game with my company where I discovered a new level of 'sweating profusely'...Welcome to Texas, interns! 

  • I went to get drinks with some wonderful friends:
Me and my favorite couple at The Gingerman.

Gena and me at Barcadia!
  • I participated in several of our weekly "Monday Movie/Bachelorette Nights" complete with two of my favorite little girls, sweet wine, loads of snacks, and some of my best friends :)

Just reading a bedtime story.  How sweet is she?!

  • I went rollerblading on The Katy Trail...and discovered that it is much harder and takes much more coordination than I remember.  Oh to be young and youthful...
  • I spent several weekend days at the pool soaking up some rays.  These usually included trips to Primos for their delicious strawberry margaritas as well:
Yum.  Best margaritas ever!

  • We had a wine and cheese tasting at my office in which I completed the seven white/champagne/red wine tasting and discovered that my favorite white smelled very strongly of B.O....yes, that's body odor...
  • I purchased both my couch and new TV for the living room as well as a bookshelf for my bedroom.  I also made some notable purchases at Garden Ridge which include an area rug for my living room and floor mats for my bathroom.  Go me!
  • I got some more drinks with great friends:
Gena, me, and Taylor at The Nodding Donkey!

  • I hung out with Zach, my college roommate.  (Remember him?  He was in a previous post...).  He helped me move my "until my ordered one comes in/borrowed couch" and washer and dryer.  And then he connected everything for me!  Yay clean clothes:

  • I went to the Kid Cudi concert with Steph and only managed to get crappy quality pictures.  Can you even tell what that is through the smoke haze?  This was my first rap concert and quite the experience:

"This is the soundtrack to my life, to my life..."

  • I went to a "meet and greet" for my boss' baby in which I felt completely out of place being that I am 23 and babies hate me.  It helped to solidify my "I'm not having kids until I'm 30, ok, 35..." thoughts, though...childbirth? Spit up? No sleep?  No thanks :)  I'll just play the 'cool aunt' role to Steph's girls for the time being :)
  • I went to see Guys and Dolls with my sister.  This was actually a very good show that I would recommend to everyone!
The last of our Dallas Summer Musicals stint!

  • And finally, this past weekend I went on my company retreat in Austin!  I'll dedicate an entire post to the greatness that was experienced in these past three days later.  But just to give you a sneak peek...the weekend included mimosas, massages, and a trip down the San Marcos River!
It's been a busy, yet very fun, past few weeks and it doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon!


  1. Welcome back you busy girl you! Totally agree with you on the kids front...30-35ish sounds perfect (but don't tell my mother that). :)

  2. I'll say it once and I'll say it again: I want to work for your company. Lucky lady!
    I need to get up to Dallas ASAp.
