Friday, September 23, 2011

Accident Prone

So on top of everything in my life breaking, I'm breaking myself as well.  Remember back to a couple posts ago when I shared with you that I was embarking on one of my life goals: to run a half marathon?  Well I've been diligently keeping up with my training schedule (haven't missed a day, yet!) and even signed up for my first race this Saturday (go me!).

Although I only got a few measley hours of sleep last night, I woke up bright and early at 6:30 AM to go for a run on The Katy Trail.  I was so tempted to roll back over and hit the 'snooze' but my dedication persevered - although I'm honestly kinda thinking it would have been better had I opted out this morning.... 

I didn't even make it a mile before I fell.  In the middle of the street.  For no reason.  There was no "tripping over a rock" or "stumbling on a road divet."  Nope.  I just straight up tripped over my own feet.  And fell.  Hard.  I'm talking sprawled out, iPod flying, skidding on pavement type of fall...pathetic.

I lost a lot of skin, a little blood, and a good amount of my pride and dignity.  I'm honestly not sure if it was more or less embarrassing that I was running with someone when it happened.  Yeah, it was nice that I had someone to help me as I crawled to the sidewalk and eventually hobbled home.  But I also can only imagine what sort of clumsily stupid image of me is now forever imprinted in Zac's mind.  My face-planting in the street for no apparent reason while cars zoom by is not how I prefer to be remembered. 

I scraped myself up from my knees to ankles, all down my hands, and busted my ankle to boot!  The scrapes and scratches burn and my ankle is a swollen, aching mess.  Here's a photo of what it looked like about two hours after my little accident:

Disgusting.  And painful. Cankle for sure.

And here's a picture about an hour after that:

Look at that sweet egg action I got goin' on my right ankle.  Sick.

You can only barely see the blood and scrapes so believe me when I tell you this less than clear iPhone picture does not do the damage justice!  Being that my ankle became progressively more swollen and sore throughout the day, my awesome co-workers swept into what I call "mom mode" and retrieved ice from our medicine stash and concocted a foot-rest for under my desk so as to keep my ankle 'elevated.'  It was very sweet of them and much appreciated - although I wish I had a cooler story to couple with all my pampered treatment!

Besides a lame story on how I hurt my ankle and acquired my kid-like bruises, bumps, and botches, I'm out the $35.00 I upped for my race this Saturday.  Bummer.  I'm still holding on to a tiny thread of hope and crossing my fingers that my ankle returns to normal size and strength so I don't have to sit out.  Here's hoping!

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