Friday, September 23, 2011

Food, Frazzled, Friday

By now you all know what Friday in my office means:  Phenomenally Free Food.  Today we had Cafe Express which was, of course, delicious.  The chicken was tender, the salad was superb, the green beans were seasoned, etc, etc.  My favorite part, however, was the mashed potatoes:

 Yes, that is an entire bowl of JUST mashed potatoes.  Delish.

Seriously, people, if you haven't had the potatoes from Cafe Express, do so immediately.  As is customary with our Friday lunches, we had some pretty good dessert.  I washed down my hearty plate of food with this little beauty:

Cupcakes are my weakness.

As I'm sure you perceived from the title of this blog post, my day was a bit frazzled.  It was constantly "go, go, go" with a million things on my "to-do" list which was continuing to exponentially grow by the minute.  I tend to like these fast-paced days better because, albeit stressful and harried, they are productive and make the day swoosh by in no time.  However, by the time 6:30 rolled around and I finally had time to sit down and take a breather for a moment, I definitely jumped on the chance to grab a beer.  (Another perk of my office: fully stocked fridge of booze).  In the process of twisting off my Shiner Boch cap, and in true 'Ashley' fashion given the week I've had, I spewed beer all over my lap.  I consequently looked like I peed myself:

How perfectly is that placed to look like I peed?  You can't plan that stuff.

Given that everything around me is breaking, including myself, and that everything I seem to do somehow goes awry, I could do nothing but laugh at myself.  Well, and continue drinking.  Winding down with a beer in the Recruiting corner gave us the little break we needed to push through for the next couple of hours:

Cheers to a crazy day in the world of BCG completed!

Oh, and don't let your eyes fool you.  Brittany was definitely drinking straight from the bottle.  It's a hectic, frazzled, food-filled life we lead on Fridays and sometimes you just need a beer, or a bottle, to celebrate when it wraps up :)

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