Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Personal Goals & Typical Life Woes

Oh man.  Contrary to what most of you are surely thinking, I haven't abandoned you!  I have had the busiest, most jam packed, couple of weeks lately - hence my lack of posting...

But alas, I am back.  For now anyway.  And I have a few things I would like to share on this wonderfully hot Tuesday.  (Sidenote: Texas broke all records for "most days over 100 in a year" ever recorded today.  Gotta be thankful for my inside, desk job.)

Anyway, today also marks an exciting day in my personal life.  I embarked on the journey toward a long-time personal goal of mine: to run a marathon. Being that I'm definitely considering a "half" to be completing this goal (I've heard it's actually NOT good for you to run a full 26), and today was my first day of training, it feels good to be one jog closer to accomplishing one of my huge personal goals.  My race is 'tentatively' set for January (schedule pending) and I'm definitely taking baby steps to get there.  For those that know me well, you know I hate - no, loathe - running.  And honestly?  I hated every minute of it this morning.  But I absolutely loved the feeling afterwards.  And it will be unbelievable to see months of training and discipline come to fruition in a few short months - so here goes!

Although half of my personal life is on track and under control, the other half...not so much.  Everything around me is breaking. I kid you not, I have very few useful, working things left in my near vicinity.  Let me just give you a run-down of what of mine has broken in the past two weeks: my favorite heels, my MAC laptop, my washing machine, my cable, my mailbox key, my kitchen faucet, the Microsoft Word on my work computer, etc, etc...it's ridiculous and to the point of being quite comical, in fact.  This stuff always happens to me.  I truly believe I'm cursed and blame breaking my full-length mirror a few years ago in college.  According to superstition, I have approximately 3 1/2 more years of this bad luck.  Fabulous.

So as you can see, my life has been a great mixture of accomplishing personal goals and experiencing my typical life woes.  I'll write an update on what else I've been up to later in the week as it will be much better when I can get some photos to accompany it.  But, alas, I have not uploaded any photes, yet because ::of course:: my work computer isn't cooperating right now, either...

1 comment:

  1. How about dinner and laundry with us this weekend? Sorry all your stuff is breaking:(
