Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Frequent Flier

You know you can consider yourself a frequent flier when you start recognizing flight attendants and other airport personnel...

Seriously.  I've got this 'traveling Southwest' thing down pat.  Over the past year, I've picked up on a few tidbits, such as:

You typically get honey roasted peanuts OR pretzels but if you're on a flight past 7pm they're usually generous and give you both.  Score.

Flights to Austin or Houston can serve beverages so you know they're just being lazy when they make an announcement that they can't.

I can typically make it apartment door --> departing gate in 25 minutes.  Give or take a few minutes depending if I drive myself or cab it.  And fingers crossed the security check goes quickly.  Holla for living close.

Love Field has no great food selections.  Bergstrom is worse.  And Hobby is just 'OK'.

I could go on but to be quite honest, my alarm going off at 4-something this morning dragging me out of bed for my early flight means that my bedtime passed hours ago.  Until next time, adios!

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