Friday, October 28, 2011


Yesterday I went out to dinner with one of my best friends, Taylor.  We exchanged birthday gifts, enjoyed a margarita and some enchiladas, and spent an hour or so catching up on life.  We got to talking about a few of the generous things our parents have done for us and after chatting for awhile, came to a very sound conclusion: we are spoiled.  But spoiled in a good way.

I believe my parents have always taught me to use good judgment, to make wise decisions, and to be kind to others.  They have taught me to work hard for what I want and what I need, to value time and thought more than what money can buy, and to appreciate that the world does not revolve around yourself.

Not only have they taught me these things through their words, but also by their actions.  Taylor and I sat there recollecting on a few of the things our parents have done for us: like the time her parents moved her out of her apartment themselves while she was at Fish Camp, or when they did it again so she could work.  Or like the time my mom cut out every single coupon I might possibly use for everything from hair dye to boxed rice because she knows I find a thrill in saving money.  We talked about the time her mom stayed up all night making special cupcakes for her and her friends.  And the time my parents drove down to my apartment and sat there for hours waiting for my alarm system to be installed so I didn't have to use a vacation day.

What our parents have not done, however, is spoil us rotten.  We're not driving a brand new Lexus, compliments of our parents.  I don't have a credit card linked to their account.  And our mothers do not take us on blow-out shopping sprees every weekend just so we can stay in sync with the 'latest trends.'

But we are spoiled; spoiled by generosity and kindness, helpfulness and love.  Spoiled in a way that makes us want to give back to others like we have been given, rather than expecting others to continue to give to us like has always been done in the past.

So thanks, mom and dad, for spoiling me all these years and teaching me what it feels like to be spoiled with love :)


  1. Aw, makes me teary eyed to see that you realize what is important in life. Always remember that who you are comes from within, the rest is material and can be easily replaced.

  2. What a sweet sweet post! And I can relate :)
