Monday, August 15, 2011

Disco Cabs and Biker Bars

This weekend held so many wonderful adventures.  So many, in fact, that my re-cap will have to be cut in two.  This is also because I refuse to group alcohol and Fish Camp in the same post...yes, still.  What can I say?  I'm an avid rule follower.

My best friend, Carrie (read about her HERE) came into town on Friday.  She moved to Maine a month or so ago and even though she lived in Texas before that, we haven't lived in the same city since December - so you can imagine how much I've been missing her!

We spent Friday night catching up, getting dinner and drinks with friends at Primos, and galavanting around the Uptown night life.  My favorite part of the evening, however, came when it was time to grab some grub before heading home.  I wanted to stop at this little pizza place I had happened upon the previous weekend and being that it was across town, we hailed a cab.  And not just any old cab pulled up...but much to our delight, we had unknowingly signaled the Disco Cab!  Complete with blinking neon lights and a disco ball dangling from the ceiling, it was the perfect transportation to our after-hours dining location.  Although he actually took us to the wrong pizza parlor (which was not as good, albeit cheaper), it was a fun time.

We ended up walking about 20 blocks home (which is no fun in 5 inch heels, let me tell you) but being the frugalites that we are, we weren't about to dish out more dough for another party ride.

See below for photographic evidence of our Friday night:

We got the matchy-matchy thing going.

Disco Cab!  Being that the flash was on, you can't see the blinking neon lights - but trust me, they were legit.

So blurry because I removed the flash - but just proof of all the awesome lights!

Saturday Carrie and I got up early to head to Palestine, Texas.  Although we didn't quite leave on time and made several stops along the way, we finally made it to Lakeview to meet up with our fellow Directors, Amanda and Tom.  We had rented a cabin on the property for the evening which was great because it was actually in the same area we stayed the first time we all stayed at Lakeview as a Director Team.  Dose of nostalgia, anyone? 

We spent a good three hours catching up on our lives, filling in all the little details to the big stories we already knew about each other, and reminiscing on all of our Lakeview memories.  We then travelled to our favorite Palestine restaurant, El Toro!  ::snaps fingers in 'Ole-like fashion::  After dinner we perused Walmart (which also held a surprising amount of memories) and then set out for our night's entertainment venue: The Whistle Stop Saloon in old downtown Palestine.  Upon finding this quaint sketch little dive bar, we promptly ordered a round of beers and then headed straight to the old juke box.  The advertised juke box was honestly the big draw to this bar for us; I swear Carrie and I are grandmas at heart!  After $10.00 worth of songs, a couple rounds of the good stuff, and a lame attempt at playing darts, we figured it was time to leave.  The later and later it got, the sketchier and sketchier it got.  And they didn't seem too keen on hosting 'outsiders.'

Upon arriving back at the cabin and after some small talk and crafting, we headed to bed.  And, yes, in true Director 2010 fashion, we dragged all the beds into one room and had a slumber party in mine and Carrie's room.  Just like old times...le sigh...

See below for photographic evidence of our Saturday night:


Obviously...the girls.

The beautiful lake view on the backroads of Lakeview!  So many memories made here last year :)

Shady, yet fabulous.

This is probably when the locals started hating us...

We're precious, I know...

I'll write a re-cap on our Fish Camp visit tomorrow!  But Friday and Saturday should be enough to hold ya over for now ;) Until tomorrow...peace out.

1 comment:

  1. Y'all are so precious. I love that y'all rented a cabin there!!
