Tuesday, August 23, 2011

To See or Be Seen.

Tonight I went to this church lecture series with my friend, Brittany.  It's this huge Tuesday night "bible study-ish" event (Aggies: think Breakaway gone Dallas) called 'The Porch.'  It's hosted by Watermark Church in Dallas for singles in their 20s and 30s.  The series they're in the middle of right now is about being single and dating.  Oh hey, that's me :)  It was honestly pretty cool to be around that many single, young people gathering to worship together.  I regularly attend The Village's Flowermound campus which is very "family friendly" so it's a nice change of pace to be surrounded by people my own age.

What I did not like, however, was that I felt like a good majority of people (girls) there were dressing to impress.  I spotted some chick in the bathroom wearing a pair of funky heels I'm not cool enough to wear even on a Friday night out.  I would lay money on the fact that at least 70% of them a) picked out their outfits days in advance as you would for a hot date and b) did so with the intention of "looking chic."  I, therefore, felt frumpy at best in my cream slacks and Nine West pumps.

The message was honestly pretty legit (except I had heard the same thing, but more eloquently put and more applicably delivered, at the Village's 'Single's Conference' a few months back).  They touched on a lot of 'hot topics' that tend to be brushed under the rug, especially in the church circuit.  Moreover, we broke into separate rooms divided by girls and guys so we were able to speak quite candidly on the struggles specific to women.  There was absolutely a good takeaway and there were most certainly some things said that I needed to hear.

I'm definitely going to give it a try next week because it seems like something that would be super cool to get involved in if it turns out people really are there to hear the message.

So that brings me to my question: are people at 'The Porch' there to see or be seen? Are they eager to press into the Lord or anxious to find their next boyfriend?  Only time will tell so we'll see if this is some place I'll find myself fitting into on Tuesday nights from here on out!

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