Thursday, May 19, 2011

Food Frenzy

I've recently been on this journey to find, do and experience new things.  One half of this is the long self-made "Dallas Bucket List" that I've been working hard to accomplish.  However, the other half of this is the list of personal goals I've set for myself.  A major one of these is to branch out in the food department.  For anyone who knows me well (or at all, really), they know I like my hamburgers with meat, mustard, and bun only; my sandwiches are always simply turkey and cheese; and I do not, under any circumstance, order sea and/or ethnic food for a meal.  I MIGHT squeeze down a bite of someone else's if I'm feeling adventurous.  Oh, and I just started eating salads a few short years ago.  Pathetic, I know.

So I'm on the quest to change this!  Starting this past weekend at the wedding, they had these awesome gourmet pizzas (among other delicious entrees).  I bravely selected a slice of the crab, mushroom and chicken, and pepperoni.  Keep in mind this was the first time I've ever eaten crab OR mushroom so I was quite proud of myself for branching out.  Verdict?  Not too bad!  I loved the chicken and mushroom, obviously devoured the pepperoni, and although the crab was not my favorite, it wasn't TERRIBLE!

I decided I liked testing my pallet and went out on a limb again on Tuesday!  My company puts together these things called "Group Lunches" where every-so-often they place five or six people from different departments together in a group and treat you to lunch!  The idea is to enable those who might not usually get the opportunity to mingle, to get to know one another a bit better.  We're big on creating a solid company atmosphere and great team dynamic.  And its a free lunch - my office LOVES food :)  We went to Nick & Sam's Grill in Uptown and, although I'm sure it sounds silly to all you less picky eaters, I was quite adventurous when I ordered my turkey burger with cranberry sauce and a side of sweet potato fries!  I mean, hey, if I hated it, at least I wasn't footing the bill!  And we have PLENTY of snacks at my office so I wasn't too worried about starving :)  But I absolutely devoured it!  Good pick number two.

On Wednesday I headed to lunch with a couple girls from my office.  We went down the street to Paradise Bakery and instead of a typical "plain sandwich" meal like usual, I ventured out and got a spinach and cheese quiche and a side caesar salad.  Yum.  Good choice, Ashley; that's three in a row.

And finally, to top off my week of "adventurous" foods, I had a turkey and avocado sandwich today at lunch.  My office catered in for all those getting CPR certified so its not like I necessarily had a choice.  However, I didn't shy away from it.  Again, combined with my salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing and chicken panini slice, it was such a delicious meal!

Every Friday my office has lunch brought in as a special treat.  One time it was Mediterranean food, one week it was Fuddruckers...I'm excited to see what tomorrow will bring!

So there you have it, folks.  What to others may be a "normal" week of food, helped me begin accomplishing a personal goal of mine.  And although it may not be much, its week one; baby steps, people, baby steps!

Until next time, Bon Appetit!


  1. Thanks for making me hungry! And seriously, can I come work where you do?

  2. Ah I would love that!! And a fellow food enthusiast like you would LOVE it as much as I do - they spoil us with deliciousness :)
