Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Farewell, Sweet Diamond Friend...

When I was a 21 year-old junior in college, I decided to get my nose pierced.  Actually, I decided when I was around 19 but it took me all of two years to get the courage up.  (I have an innate phobia of needles).  But I finally did, and I loved it!

Here I am getting it done.  I asked made my friend, Tony, come with me so I could hold break his hand in the process!  It honestly didn't even hurt that bad so for those of you considering it...DO IT!  Do it before you get a grown up, professional job and have to take it out!!

Please excuse the hideousness of this picture.

Anyway, fast forward two and a half years to 23.  I've graduated college and am on the hunt for a career!  I took my little diamond stud out for all my interviews and for every day at work once I got my big girl job.  I would take it out right before I walked into the office, and put it back in right when I walked out, in fear of it closing up!  It came really close a few times, in fact!  On days that I stuck around a little in the office, it was definitely a tight squeeze to get it back in; yikes!  Because of this, I started getting nervous about my impending Chicago business trip - it would be a full 20 hour work day without my little stud in; uh oh.  Uh oh was right...it starting closing up during the first day and it was then and there in Chicago that I decided I needed to grow up, say my goodbyes, and let go of my sweet diamond friend.  Although my company doesn't have a "policy" against it, its a very professional company and nose piercings definitely aren't the standard.  And having to stress about it closing up every day was just no fun.  

I'm a little very sad to say that it has officially fully closed up.  No more hold through my nose, no more chances to rock out with a diamond stud, no more tangible reminder of my 'rebellious' college stunt.  ::sigh:: oh well, I knew the time was coming eventually, although I had kinda hoped no one would notice and I could just keep it forever :)

Here are just a few pictures in tribute to my nose ring, my rebellion, my growing up, and my sweet diamond friend...

Ok, you have to actually click on the pictures, blow them up, 
and look closely to actually see it.  

See, mom?  It was never really that noticeably anyway ;)
Cheers to growing up!


  1. I can't remember if I ever noticed this or not. I think that's the sign of a classy nose ring!

  2. I got my lip pierced once and my job made me take it out even though we don't have a policy either. Don't really know what I was thinking...
