Monday, May 30, 2011

You're Off to Great Places; You're Off and Away!

My sister, Cynthia, graduated high school this past weekend!  I only got a little teary-eyed when they started playing the Graduation March and that's only because that song always gets me!  I was really just super excited for her - for all the places she'll get to go and all the things she's soon to experience.  College was THE BEST time of my life (thus far) and I can't wait for her to love it as much as I did.

For her graduation gift, I gave her the Dr. Seuss book "Oh The Places You Will Go" and wrote a forever long note inside.  In true Herring-sister fashion, she started crying on page one.  By the time she got to the Toms I had had hand-painted for her, she was donezo.  Get it?  Shoes?  They take you places?  So clever, I know :)

Here's a little look at what her custom Toms look like:

I wanted these shoes to incorporate everything she loved and everything that held significance in her life: music, photography, softball, her favorite quotes, the fact that she's going half way across the country for school, etc.  These were done for me by a friend of a friend - he has so many people wanting a hand-painted pair that, even though I starting asking around four months ago, I had to call in a favor to get them done for graduation.  But I think they were worth it!! He did SUCH a great job - talent like this boggles my mind.  And these aren't even great quality pictures; they're simply snapped on my iPhone so most of the incredible detail is lost in the poor quality.  But they're baller; let me tell you!

And in case you missed it on the shoes...yes, my sister is going to Berklee College of Music.  Because she's amazing (look for a post featuring her music, soon!):

And although she'll be half-way across the country in Boston, and I'll miss her dearly and will for sure be sad when she leaves in September, this past weekend was so much about celebrating where she's been and where she's headed.

So congrats again, Cynthia, I'm so proud of you 
and so excited for you to start this next life journey!

1 comment:

  1. 1. I always cry at that song too.
    2. Your sister is IMPRESSIVE. Berklee. Wow.
