Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Perks and Downfalls of Being Late

Tonight I did two really cool things - I went to see Water for Elephants (finally!) and I went to see Stomp.  Can you tell I'm a fan of the arts?!

Like I mentioned previously, Cynthia and I bought these Dallas Summer Musical tickets and tonight's show (Stomp) started at 8:00pm.  By the time I battled traffic after work, it would have been time to head back downtown just about the time I was getting home.  So instead of going home, I decided to go see the movie I'd been wanting to see for forever (Water for Elephants) to kill time.  This is also a major accomplishment for me because going to see a movie by myself is something I've always wanted to do but have always been way too scared to!  Checkin' it off the bucket list.  Go me.

The only theater still showing the movie around Dallas was the newly renovated Highland Park Village Theater.  I had never been there but was quite surprised when the ticket woman personally escorted me to the correct theatre.  Busting into the theatre at lightening speed (I was late - stupid traffic) I was shocked to find myself in a room barely twice the size of my bedroom.  There were only 16 seats total and none of them were ordinary spring-flip seats.  They were all over-sized, soft leather lounge chairs set in pairs around the room.  Very quaint.  Since I was entering so quickly (expecting quite the normal trek down the ramp, around the bend, and up the stairs...) I had made it to the front of the theatre before realizing I was already at the front.  Turning around I desperately grabbed the first seat I saw.  This, unfortunately, was already occupied.  It was so dark I couldn't see a thing except the vague outline of a large chair and was literally inches from this poor girl's face before I realized I was about to sit in her lap!  Hugely embarrassed I mumbled an apology and quickly crept to the seat behind her.  Awkward.

The movie was good.  Not great, but good.  Of course the book was better as it always is.  I love both Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson so I had high hopes, but I just felt like they had too many important scenes to add and not enough time to do so.  It felt rushed and incomplete.  And I feel like I would have liked the movie even less had I not read the book first - I found myself filling in a lot of the story as the movie left out details and explanations.

I'm definitely glad I saw it as I loved the costumes and set design, but I personally felt the screen play could have used some work.  Oh well.  At least I forced myself out of my comfort zone!  And to be completely honest?  I loved going to the theatre by myself!

Straight from the movie theatre I met up with my sister and we headed to the Music Hall at Fair Park.  We ended up being a bit late and because of such, they had opened up all the un-used valet parking and we lucked into an awesomely close spot!  We bustled inside only to find that they had a ten-minute holding period on the theatre (so as not to interrupt the audience during certain times of the performance).  We at first found this to be a bummer...until we started chatting it up with the usher and he offered us better seats.  So our top of the balcony, nose-bleed seats turned into prime, 6th row seats!!  It was so awesome because you could see all the details of the performance (which was unreal by the way).  If you enjoy music of any kind and you EVER have the opportunity to see Stomp, DO IT!  You will not regret it.  Here's a little clip (which definitely doesn't do it justice, even) to give you a little preview:

So as is evident, through all my artsy fartsy-ing today, I had a little issue with being late.  In the case of the movie?  I almost sat on someone.  In the case of the musical?  I got upgraded big time.  Oh the perks and downfalls...

1 comment:

  1. That movie theatre sounds awesome! ...even if you did almost sit on someone.
