Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Quotable Collections or Collectable Quotes?

I'm a big fan of collecting things.  When I was little, I collected coke can tabs and kept them in this clear plastic tub in the garage.  I also collected keychains from everywhere we went on vacation and everywhere my friends went on vacation.  Then, I started collecting all the different state quarters when they started making those.  And finally (or at least...I think you get the point...) I have saved every single movie ticket stub from every single movie I have seen in theaters since I can remember (I'm talking like...five years old).  I must admit I'm somewhat of a "hoarder" and am half-way concerned I'll end up an old maid surrounded by piles of treasured collectables and am only slightly below being nominated for that hoarding show on A&E.

But probably my most very favorite thing ever to collect is quotes.  I'm a sucker for a good quote.  Sometimes they give you the reassurance you need that there's someone else out there going through, or having gone through, what you are facing.  Or sometimes they broaden your perspective on a situation or enlighten the way you view something.  Or sometimes they even bring you back to reality or force you to remember what's truly important in life.  And sometimes, sometimes they're just really funny, or even a little sad, or kinda hopeful...but whatever the emotion they provoke, one thing holds constant, the good ones always make it into my journal for safe-keeping.

Here are a few of my all-time favorites:

"Hate is easy, love takes courage."

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single 
moment before starting to change the world."
-Anne Frank

"The way I see it
isn't necessarily
the way you see it
or the way it is
or ought to be.
What's more important
is that we're all
looking for it
and a way to see it."
-Desi Di Nardo (Starbucks cup)

"Maybe our girlfriends are our soul mates and guys 
are just people to have fun with."
-Sex and the City

"In the long run, we get no more than we have been willing to risk giving."

"Learn for yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."

"Take good care of today.  Its the tomorrow you longed for yesterday."

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say "I used everything you gave me."
-Erma Bombeck

"Keep in mind that the true measure of an individual is how he
 treats a person who can do him absolutely no good."
-Ann Landers

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less 
travelled by.  And that has made all the difference."
-Robert Frost

"A great leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position."

So there you have it, friends.  Just a little peek into my very extensive, much loved, quotes collection.  Which brings me to my question: is this a quotable collection or collectable quotes?!  Well regardless, I hope you found as much truth and inspiration in them as I do! 

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